
Palm Beach Health Works

Terms and Conditions


These terms and conditions govern your access to and use of Advanced Bionetics’s services, including any content, functionality, and services offered on or through www.advanced-bionetics.com.

Use of the Service

By using the Service, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy, incorporated herein by reference.

Consent to Receive Messages

By opting in to our service, you agree to receive marketing messaging from Advanced Bionetics at the phone number provided above. You understand you will receive appointment reminder messages. Data rates may apply. Reply STOP to opt out.

Forbidden Use Cases

You agree not to use the Service for any purposes that are prohibited by these Terms and Conditions or by law.

Data Accuracy and Consistency

You agree to provide accurate, complete, and consistent information when registering for and using the Service.

Opt-In and Opt-Out Policy

You must actively opt-in to our Service through a clear and conspicuous process. You may opt-out at any time by replying STOP to any message you receive from us.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

We may revise and update these Terms and Conditions from time to time in our sole discretion. All changes are effective immediately when we post them.

Contact Information

For questions or comments about these Terms and Conditions, contact us at: +1 561-529-9208.